Back for another post. Today was a great day...we managed to accomplish a lot. Today's tasks were to finish preparing and leveling the plots for planting the mangroves and putting up a fence to keep the cattle at bey. Apparently cows really like mangrove leaves and our work would be all for not without the fence.
We started by hauling heavy concrete fenceposts by hand through the lagoon land...did I mention the fence posts were nearly 75 kilos each and we were walking/stumbling on soft marsh land. Next we dug 1.5 foot holes and installed the posts. After that was finished we strung up the plastic wire connecting the posts. All in all, after another pretty long, hot day, we accomplished the task at hand and had lunch with the same family. It was really tasty! I like this culture too...I get to eat with my hands...without getting in trouble!
Yesterday was a pretty long hot day as well. We prepared all but three of the remaining 27 plots!!! Once we got our 'system' going it actually went pretty quickly. We were all extremely exhausted after the day was out. Not so exhausted that we couldn't hold the first event in the inaugural Coconut Cup. This event was the Mudrunning challenge. Five fierce competitors stepped up to the line to sprint the 40 meter dash in mud up to their knees. The first place medal went to Paul "the Swampstomper" who was the hands down favourite given his occupation as a benthic ecologist and the many hours he's spent trapsing around in mud up to his knees. Second place was awarded to Mark "the Doc" Huxall. Third place is still undetermined. We have video evidence and it was definitely a photo finish between Benthic Benjamin, Chris "Crazy Canuck" Robertson and Peyal the Pride of Sri Lanka!
The next event will be the 40 meter mud hurdles, followed by the sliperly slalom and the last event will be a friendly test match between the Mangrove Maniacs and the local Rekewa Rekers cricket teams.
As you can see, although we work hard...we play harder!
Tomorrow is our day off so in about 5 hours from now, (yes...that is about is 3:30 am Sri Lankan time)..we will get in the bus and head for Yala National Park in search of Sri Lankan wildlife. Afterwards we hope to see one of the local temples and then out for dinner for Louise's upcoming birthday.
We are also looking forward to visiting one of the nearby beaches to see if we can spot some turtle hanky panky (don't worry...that is just sea turtles coming ashore to lay eggs!) and of course, as I mentioned, the cricket match between one of the local (primary) schools and the Earthwatch project team.
Highlights of the past couple days:
The Coconut Cup (even though I didn't win!)
The food...especially the onion sambol and the Dal.
The feeling of accomplishment I have felt when reaching our daily goals in the field.
Kumar and Opal's 'enlighting' (pun intended) talk on Bhuddism.
The bread truck that drives by every 10 minutes or so playing Fur Elise (similar to an icecream truck) selling baked products out the back.
Anyway, I should get going since I have to get up in a few hours.
I'll post again soon - next time with a picture.
CheersCrazy Canuck