Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Cricket Losers!


After an exhausting day in the field planting mangroves and digging holes, we had an extremely competitive 'friendly' cricket match arranged with what we originally thought was going to be 6 year olds! When the local Sri Lankan team turned up with over 50 supporters and consisted of fit, lean 18 year olds that played everyday we knew it was going to be tough! We ran around like half cooked, headless chickens while the Sri Lankans looked cool and were scoring one '6' after another! When it came to our turn to bat, we hardly had the energy to put one leg in front of the other, but we had our sweat droplets of pride and managed to score over 60 runs to their 104. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day and we finished off with my presentation to the team, which I have been told was like a roller coaster ride!